CAFAM Report: Patenting for June 2024

According to the survey conducted by CAFAM, the chamber that brings together the country's motorcycle manufacturers, in June there were a total of 33,244 registered units. This represents a decrease of 16.16% compared to the previous month and 3.17% compared to the same month of the previous year.

The Chamber of Motorcycle Manufacturers (CAFAM) reported that a total of 206,410 motorcycles were registered so far this year. This represents a year-on-year decrease of 15.46%. “We are working to implement new financing tools that encourage consumption and strengthen our sector. Our goal is to provide more opportunities and benefits to consumers, thus supporting the sustainable growth of the motorcycle industry in Argentina,” said Lino Stefanuto, President of CAFAM.

As for the places in the country where the most patents were registered, they were the provinces of Buenos Aires with 11,114, Santa Fe with 3,654 and Córdoba with 3,042. Tucumán followed with 1,967 and Chaco with 1,866. Finally, according to the monthly report of CAFAM, low-displacement motorcycles continue to be the most sold during this month: 18,880 110 cc units followed by 4,346 150 cc units. And in relation to the categories, the CUB leads the ranking of the most sold of the month with 19,341 units, followed by STREET with 7,189 units. “We are convinced that the implementation of new financing systems will help reduce the sales gap between this year and the previous one. We project to reach a sales level similar to that of 2023,” concluded Stefanuto.

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